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(en below) Morgen dann mal hin zum Neurologen. Bilder der letzten MRT-Untersuchungen besprechen und anhören, was er zu der vom Krankenhaus empfohlenen Operation sagt. Bin ja mal gespannt. 😎

Tomorrow doctor's appointment with my neurologist to discuss my cervical spine MRI images and to hear about his opinion on the operation recommended by the hospital...

Paul Tobin hat dies geteilt.

Als Antwort auf Victoria

@Victoria Tomorrow I'll just be with him to talk. I have known the doctor scvhon for several years and he knows what he is doing or giving advice. ;-) Afterwards I will make another appointment with the clinic and also ask some important questions again because the procedure will be quite complicated...

So nothing but 'smalltalk' will happen tomorrow. ;-)

But, thank you for your good wishes! 🙏 I'm pretty sure I can still use them later... ;-)