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"Eine Reise ins Glück - oder: Bushaltestelle der Stille"
('On the Journey to Happiness - or: Bus stop of Silence') #silentsunday

(Aus dem #Archiv zum #StillerSonntag )

Camera: #OlympusMju1 #compactcamera
Film: expired #VoigtlanderV200 #35mmfilm
Scan: #VueScanPro on linux, #unedited

#Stille #Silence #BusStop #Bushaltestelle #EineReiseinsGlück #FromTheArchives #oldroll #expiredfilm #Olympus #Mju1 #filmphotography #analogfotografie #analoguelife #peaceful #friedlich #achtsamkeit #summerday #Sommertag

Photography Feed hat dies geteilt.

James Fine Art (.art) hat dies geteilt

'Scanning Day'

Currently scanning old films to my archives. I'm just getting excited about printing a few postcards again soon. 😁

#ScanningDay #Archives #FilmScan #grainisgood #believeinfilm #KodakTmax400 #VueScan #VueScanPro #BildbearbeitungUnterLinux #back2thebase

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